Upstack online recruitment service helps businesses to build remote teams, it provides a large pool of candidates from all over the world. Upstack allows companies to find the right fit regardless of their location.
The company filters candidates to provide that clients get what they need which helps to save time on the recruitment process.
It offers the possibility to try working with a particular candidate and see if they are the right choice.
The platform helps businesses to build and motivate remote teams.
The platform serves 120 clients. Among them are Meal Pal, Intercom, Invision, IKEA, Squarespace, TaskRabbit, Thechive, etc.
Upstack works with top-notch engineers from all over the world and welcomes programming professionals to join their team.
Benefits the company provides for its employees include:
- Challenging tasks and interesting clients;
- Company offsites, team buildings, and hackathons;
- Competitive salary paid on time;
- Possibility to work remotely.
Upstack Technologies, Inc.
26 Broadway
New York, NY 10004