GetAbstract is a constantly updated online library of 20,000+ text and audio summaries that helps companies learn as fast as the business develops. The company offers a sustainable solution to the overabundance of information. GetAbstract finds, rates, and summarizes the most relevant business content from a wide range of sources.
The company’s clients include companies big and small. Among them are 40% of Fortune 100 companies and start-ups. All the businesses benefit from the multi-license solutions. GetAbstract can boast of having such companies as MasterCard, GEMoney Bank, Atlassian, Chick-fil-A among its clients.
GetAbstract is a multidisciplinary team that is focused on innovation and co-creation. Apart from it, the company pays much attention to structure and creativity.
As the company is a startup, the team creates such an environment where it is safe to make mistakes without judgment as this is the only way to learn.
The company is looking for eager to learn and work, pioneering, and independent employees.
Benefits the company provides for its employees include:
- A unique, exciting opportunity to play a role in shaping the newly established getAbstract Lab.
- Flexible working hours.
- Remote working
- Occasionally working from offices in Lucerne (Switzerland) which are overlooking the lake.
- Flexible startup culture, not missing corporate security.
- Considerable growth opportunities within the product life-cycle and in accordance with the employee’s needs and interests.
- Possibilities to go forward and grow together with getAbstract Lab ventures.
getAbstract AG
Alpenquai 12
6005 Luzern
+41 41 367 5151
[email protected]
getAbstract, Inc.
One Aventura
20900 NE 30th Ave. #315
Aventura, FL 33180
+1 305 936 2626
Toll-Free: +1 877 778 6627
Fax: +1 305 936 2625
[email protected]