Grant Street
Grant Street hosts Software as a Service (SaaS) applications that help organizations reach new levels of efficiency and customer service in managing taxes, electronic payments, bond auctions, and other types of unique financial related processes.
Grant Street Group specializes in cloud-based government solutions for tax collection, e-payments, and auctions. Every year, they process over $20 billion in tax payments and $10 billion in e-payments. Over the past 20 years, they have hosted online auctions of financial instruments exceeding $12 trillion.
Grant Street team emphasizes collaboration, professional competency, and individual responsibility. The technology-rich environment makes it possible to support both on-site and telecommuting positions.
Benefits the company provides for its employees:
- Healthcare. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan or a High Deductible plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA). Both plans offer superior coverage, with most in-network services covered at 100%. Partial deductible reimbursement is provided.
- Work-life Balance. The company expects 40 hours a week of your work. An unlimited number of sick days per year.
- Flexible scheduling and telecommuting
339 Sixth Ave, Suite 1400,
Pittsburgh, PA 15222, US
1 Review
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Work/Life BalanceComp & BenefitsSenior ManagementCulture & Value
Fast-paced environment, complex product and intensively growing team make it a bit tough in the beginning. But when you have adapted it becomes obvious this job will be a great contribution in your future.