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Career Advice

Top 5 best jobs for extroverts

Extroverts are usually people who look like total rockstars whenever they are surrounded by others: their friends, colleagues or sometimes complete strangers. Extroverts have numerous traits of character which help them build a successful career. However, there are many situations in which extrоverted people try to keep up with their introverted friends.

In this article we have selected 5 best jobs for extroverts that will make their potential bloom, besides the article also includes:

  • extroverts’ strengths and weaknesses;
  • a mini-test to define if you are an extrovert;
  • a list of things extroverts are good at.

Extroverts’ strengths and weaknesses

There are situations in which extroverts truly shine and this is due to their strengths which are:

  • Working in groups. This is an obvious one, extroverts love to work in groups and are great at it. They can bounce ideas from each other, communicate well and they get much more done in groups than individually. They will try to involve others in helping them launch the project.  Discussions help extroverts explore the issue and figure out which option might work the best. Besides, after a hard day at work, talking about their problems with friends or family can help to relieve their stress.
  • Talking about their feelings. Most extroverts do not have a problem to open up and let others know how they feel. At times they might even share too much information. And yet this is another strength because communicating is extremely important in solving problems and finding solutions at work.
  • Entertaining people. Extroverts are born entertainers. Extroverted people find it easy to be the center of attention, performing on stage or publicly speaking. It helps a lot in giving presentations and hosting parties. Extroverts tend to find social interactions refreshing and they actually gain energy from such exchanges. If they have a choice to spend time alone or to spend time with other people, they will almost always choose to spend time within a group.
  • Making a strong first impression. Making a good first impression is crucial in plenty of life and job-related situations including job interviews. Extroverts seem to excel at this, they use their charm and outgoing nature to influence people. Flirting is also a walk in the park for extroverts.
However, there are also weaknesses that prevent extroverts from being 100% productive and energetic:
  • Being alone.Some extroverts cannot handle being by themselves. Being locked up in a room along with themselves drives them completely insane. This is a disadvantage as working alone is something every person has to do at some point in their life.
  • Dealing with boredom. While introverts can usually entertain themselves with the simplest of things, it takes much more to entertain an extrovert. Studies show that extroverts perform worse if they are not stimulated enough, which is a considerable career weakness.
  • Talking too much. Remember yourself being around someone who just cannot stop talking. Most likely this person is an extrovert who always needs to be the center of attention. But not knowing where to stop can be a real problem. As they simply do not realize that other people may have something to say too.
  • Being intrusive and clingy. One of the worst things to deal with in a relationship or at work is someone who is too clingy. Some extroverts want to be around you all the time without giving any private space and they seem too dependant on you. It can really be a problem that extroverts cannot switch off their overly social part.
  • Revealing too much. In some business and work-related situations it is worth keeping your cards close to your chest. Revealing too much information can get you in trouble and make you easy to manipulate.

Are you an extrovert?

If you are still unsure whether you are an extrovert, take this quick test. Go through the questions and write down the answers that describe you better (a or b):

Can you describe yourself as a risk-taker?

a) Yes

b) No

What would you choose:

a) Talking in front of a big audience?

b) A one-on-one talk?

When presenting to a group

a) Would you go first?

b) Would you go last?

Do you prefer to express yourself through writing?

a) No

b) Yes

Do you worry that you

a) Talk too little?

b) Talk too much?

What is your perfect birthday party like?

a) A huge celebration with tons of people

b) Only close friends and family

Someone is calling from an unknown number on Saturday night. Would you pick up?

a) Yes

b) No

Before saying something do you usually say it in your head?

a) No

b) Yes

Count your As and Bs. If a-answers dominate, you are most likely an extrovert. This is neither good or bad, as all personality types have their own strengths and weaknesses and there are many things an extrovert can do and naturally succeed.

Still not sure if you are an extrovert? Watch the Psych2Go video to define your personality type.

Things extroverts are best at

Inspiring others. If people are placed in a positive environment they are likely to move faster, remember better and be generally more productive. Extrovert is motivated by the external impulses as well as they tend to motivate others with their enthusiasm.

Taking risks. They are natural adventure-seekers, be it traveling the world, taking an unconventional career, or create inventions. Their dopamine is more active what makes them perfect natural explorers.

Establishing communications. Extroverts are approachable and able to make friends in a blink of an eye. They tend to attract many people and usually enjoy this variety. They feel natural in big social gatherings and find it easy to navigate in the crowd of unknown people networking and making it fun for everyone around.

Being curious. Curiosity helps them gain new knowledge about the world, which makes them wise, informative individuals with great learning capabilities. 

Taking the above into account we have selected the top 5 professions that will suit an extrovert.

5 best jobs for extroverts

Jobs for extroverts
In case you are currently looking for a job or thinking about what career path to choose, check out the below professions that will help to disclose your potential of an extrovert to the fullest.

Life coach

As a life coach, your job will be to make a positive impact on the lives of others. You’ll be spending much time listening to other people’s thoughts and ideas and discussing them. Being an extrovert person will allow you to get connected to your clients emotionally. Most likely you will work with people of various backgrounds, so you will need to be patient and sensitive to their issues. You will also need to be the one who inspires their clients to make positive choices and allow beneficial changes to occur in their lives.

In a way, a life coach is similar to a psychologist, you must be able to meet new patients each day, make them feel relaxed and help get to the bottom of their emotional and behavioral issues. You will be compiling reports ensuring that all your information is documented correctly in the time when you won’t be seeing your patients.

 According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for a life coach in the United States is $40,089 per year. 


As extroverts thrive on being the center of attention and passing on their knowledge to others, being a teacher suits these personalities more than well. Teachers need to have the interpersonal skills to interact and communicate with a variety of people, from their young students to fellow adults which is a great benefit for extroverts as they will use communication to refill their energy.

Besides, teaching offers many options to choose from: primary school, secondary school, music teacher, yoga teacher, and many others. You will need to provide support to your students, encourage them, and help them to grow their confidence, learning skills, not forgetting about their passions. Being extroverted is extremely important for this profession as a teacher needs to be reliable, friendly, and approachable. Moreover, you need to be really enthusiastic about the subject you are teaching, this will help pupils to get more involved and feel more satisfied with themselves.

 According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for a teacher in the United States is $42,579 per year. 

HR manager

Being extroverted is extremely beneficial for those working within human resources. You will need to demonstrate friendliness and a sense of tact, as you will be responsible for hiring, developing and welfare of the people you hire. This job promises many new people on an almost daily basis. Conducting interviews will be a common part of the job and extroverts can handle it with ease and pleasure. You will be rewarded with the feeling that you’ve been assisting people and the knowledge that HR plays a major role in any business. As an HR manager, your list of duties will include screening and hiring new members of staff, discussing benefits and compensation packages, handling training. To secure this position, you must be comfortable meeting new people and have excellent communication skills.

 According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for an HR manager in the United States is $78,377 per year. 

Event planner

If you enjoy meeting new people and organizing, then an event planner can be a good fit. Planners coordinate all sorts of events from anniversaries and weddings to conventions, trade shows, business meetings, and private parties for businesses. 

Extroverted people tend to work well with all kinds of clients, which is crucial for this career. Event planners take full responsibility for the event from its start to finish. They usually spend much time talking to clients to learn about their visions for the events and meeting with vendors and venue staff to discuss their contracts and review details. This job also requires a certain degree of creativity. Besides, it is highly possible that you will be working with multiple clients at once, so you need to stay organized and efficient.

Apart from the fun part, this job also requires some independent work that not all extroverts might like: reviewing budgets and approving bills for payment.

 According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for an event planner in the United States is $49,696per year .

Sales manager

No matter in what area you specialize, you can become a sales-manager as every sphere needs these professionals. As a manager, you will lead and organize a team of sales-representatives, motivating them to meet their sales goals. Being an extrovert you’ll be able to bring the necessary enthusiasm into the team. You will also need to mentor and coach people under you to become their real leader. This job requires energy, enthusiasm, and the ability to deal with different kinds of people.

 According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for a sales manager in the United States is $99,298 per year. 

The above list of professions suitable for extroverts can be also completed by such jobs as hairdressers, nurses, flight attendants, actors, and many others, that presume active communication, empathy and being the center of attention.

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